Restoration VW Kubelwagen 1971 (How To Video)

Uploaded by kpm181 on Sep 24, 2009
Restoration of my 1971 German Military VW Kübelwagen between 2007-2009 
Tags: VW Kübelwagen Kuebelwagen Thing Safari Trekker Bundeswehr 181 air-cooled BW Germany Army Vehicles

As far as I know the Bundeswehr never ever bought a single one of them, while the ordinary beetles and air-cooled 1600s and 1600 "Variants" were the backbone of personal transport, staff cars and the like right to the 1980s.

I have only seen hunters or game and forest keepers in 181s, for that purpose they were mostly painted in "cow-shit green" to match with the rubber boots of their drivers.

The top is a genuine VW top. The top was NOS when I bought the car about 14 years ago. It fits so tight, that I can barely close the top alone. Its easier in the summer when its warm. I really take care of my top. I store the car in a garage, and roll up the top CORRECTLY when I put it down. And I never put the top down and roll it together, unless its clean.

Thank you for the compliments. Yes, I am also happy that I could keep 1 old VW on the road for many many more years. I hope someday I have the time and money to rescue one or two more. I am uploading another video from the restoration right now. You should be able to watch it later tonight or tomorrow.

Yes, Kuebelwagen is the German name for the Thing. Kuebelwagen translates as "Bucket Car".

Tolle Arbeit! hab son Kübel auch schon mal gefahren, macht verdammt viel Spaß!